Hey Church Family,

We have recently received news of more people testing positive for Covid-19 on our staff and within our volunteer teams. In an abundance of caution and concern for the well-being of our church family, we have decided to cancel all Sunday morning services and all midweek services at Renew Life for the next 2 weeks (Oct. 16-30th). This includes Youth, Young Adults, Freedom Classes, etc…

We are also notifying all volunteers who served alongside someone with a lab-confirmed case of Covid-19 as well as families whose kids might have been exposed to a volunteer or staff member with a lab-confirmed case of Covid-19.

We are disappointed to say the least, but we feel this decision is in the best interest of our staff and our church as a whole. We will use this time to thoroughly and professionally disinfect the entire church building and offices. Please stay informed via social media for more information.

Thank you for your prayers and support during this time.