Home Church
to May 8

Home Church

At the heart of RLC Home Church is the desire that we live life within spiritual family and continue to grow into mature disciples of Jesus! Home Church helps to create a space where faith is lived out in everyday moments, and where deep, meaningful relationships form through shared meals, Bible study, prayer, and intentional community. We believe that this semester of Home Churches will be our best yet, so check out the link below to see the groups and sign up for one.

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Men's Breakfast!

Men's Breakfast!

Guys-- make it a point to be there for our next Men's Breakfast on March 17th from 6:30-8:00am! This is a great time to get into God's Word before your work day and be around other like-minded men. It's free to everyone who registers, so sign up today!

Registration is now closed.

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Child Dedication

Child Dedication

Dedicating our children to God is saying YES to raising them according to His Word and within spiritual family! We are excited to be hosting our next Child Dedication event on Sunday, March 23rd during both services where we will pray and prophesy over your children. If you would like to take part, please register at the link below!

Registration is now closed.

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Corporate Prayer
to May 12

Corporate Prayer

We are setting the foundations of RLC through prayer! Everyone is invited to join us for 7 weeks of corporate prayer from March 31st until May 12th! Each Monday during this time, we'll gather at the RLC Office (409 S Pecos) from 6am-7am to pray for our church, our city, our nation and beyond. Let's come together in faith, trusting God in all He is going to do!❤️‍🔥

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Dwell Women's Night

Dwell Women's Night

Ladies, it's time to FLOURISH in every area of our lives!🌺 Our upcoming Dwell Women's Night is happening on April 8th! Come join us for a great evening - we'll share a meal together, and have amazing worship, ministry and more! The cost is $20 per person - please sign up at the link below!

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Men's Breakfast!

Men's Breakfast!

Guys-- it’s time to get stronger in our relationships with God and with each other! RLC's next monthly Men's Breakfast will be Monday, February 17th from 6:30-8:00am! This event is free to everyone who registers.

Registration is now closed.

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Family Dinner

Family Dinner

If you're new to Renew Life and looking for a way to connect on a deeper level, we would love to invite you to our upcoming Family Dinner on February 16th from 6:30-8:00pm at 409 S Pecos! This is a time to come together to share a meal and hear the vision and heart of the church from our pastors! This free event is specifically for those new to RLC and/or those who have never attended a Family Dinner. Click the link to register if you would like to attend! We also offer child care reimbursements for this event -- contact the church office at 432-689-7284 for that information! Lastly, if you are already a current member of RLC and would like to "sponsor" a new family, we invite you to visit the Give section of our website and select "Midland Family Dinner" from the drop-down menu!

Registration is now closed.

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Women's Lunch & Bible Study

Women's Lunch & Bible Study

Ladies, come and be a part of our upcoming Women's Lunch & Bible Study on Thursday, February 13th from 12-1:30pm at the RLC office (409 S. Pecos)! We'll be studying the book of Ephesians and enjoying time together as well as good food! We also offer childcare for small children. This event is free, but we ask that you please register yourself (and children if needed) so we can prepare for you!

Registration is now closed.

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21 Day Fast
to Feb 23

21 Day Fast

2025 will be quite a significant year for Renew Life Church, and it’s our desire as a spiritual family to come together and begin to prepare our hearts for what is coming in this new season! We want to hear God clearly and truly be “Spirit-led”-- not led by our flesh (Romans 8:14). With that said, we are excited to be launching a church-wide fast for 21 days beginning on February 3rd, 2025!

When you sign up to be a part of the 21-Day Fast below, you’ll receive a daily devotional in your email inbox beginning the morning of February 3rd. This short devotional will include a scripture, prayer prompt, reflection & application. We hope you’ll go on this journey with us - we believe God will meet each of us in powerful ways as we trust Him through fasting!

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2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” Being water baptized is simply declaring that sin no longer has a hold on you as you have begun your new life in Christ Jesus! If you’ve never been water baptized, join us for our upcoming event on February 2nd at Renew Life Church.

This special event also includes worship, ministry & refreshments! We also encourage you to bring your family & friends to celebrate with you!

Registration is now closed.

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Special Guest Worship Leader - Bethany & Christopher Wohrle

Special Guest Worship Leader - Bethany & Christopher Wohrle

Bring the whole family and don't miss church on Sunday morning, February 2nd -- our very special guest, Bethany Wohrle, will be leading worship during both services! Bethany is a Bethel Music artist and songwriter and is a loved part of our church family! She has a heart to see people encounter Jesus in a real and authentic way. Invite your friends -- we can't wait to see you there!

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RLYTH Night of Worship

RLYTH Night of Worship

Renew Life Youth in Midland is hosting a city-wide Night of Worship on January 29th from 6-8pm! We want to pack the house with youth groups from all over the area, so invite your friends and be there as we go after all God has for us!

410 S Pecos // 6-8pm // 6th-12th grade

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Men's Breakfast!

Men's Breakfast!

Guys-- it’s time to get stronger in our relationships with God and with each other! RLC's next monthly Men's Breakfast will be Monday, January 20 from 6:30-8:00am! This event is free to everyone who registers.

Registration is now closed.

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Women's Lunch & Bible Study

Women's Lunch & Bible Study

Ladies, come and be a part of our upcoming Women's Lunch & Bible Study on Thursday, January 9th from 12-1:30pm at the RLC office (409 S Pecos)! We'll be studying the book of Philippians and enjoying time together as well as good food! We also offer childare for small children. This event is free, but we ask that you please register yourself (and children if needed) so we can prepare for you!

Registration is now closed.

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RLKids PJ Palooza

RLKids PJ Palooza

Wouldn't it be cool if we all got to wear our pajamas to church and had a party?! Well, guess what-- we're doing JUST THAT! Invite your friends and be there on Sunday, December 22nd for PJ PALOOZA during both services! We'll have special treats, Christmas games and activities, a special lesson about the birth of Jesus and more! We can't wait to see you there!

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Very Merry Christmas

Very Merry Christmas

It's the most wonderful time of the year!!! RLYTH is hosting our annual "Very Merry Christmas Party" on Wednesday, December 18th from 6:30-8pm! It's not a party without games and prizes, so be there to win! Also, we'll have snacks and drinks available - can't wait to you there! 🎄

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Pursue Workout Classes

Pursue Workout Classes

UPDATE ON PURSUE WORSHIP + WORKOUT: There will be no classes the week of Thanksgiving, November 26th & 27th. Pursue will resume on December 3rd for the regular Tuesday & Wednesday classes at 9:15am (at the RLC Office) until December 18th. After that, Pursue will be coming to an end. If you have any questions, please reach out!

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Men's Breakfast!

Men's Breakfast!

Guys-- it’s time to get stronger in our relationships with God and with each other! RLC's next monthly Men's Breakfast will be Monday, December 16th from 6:30-8:00am! This is event is free to everyone who registers.

Registration is now closed.

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RLYouth Christmas Hayride!

RLYouth Christmas Hayride!

Don't miss our annual RLYTH Hayride! Meet us at Abell Jr High (3201 Heritage Blvd, Midland, TX 79707) and we’ll go look at Christmas lights in Grasslands! Bring a blanket and dress warm!❄️

  • Jr High Hayride: 6:00-7:15pm

  • Sr High Hayride: 7:30-8:45pm

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RLKids Christmas Connect

RLKids Christmas Connect

If you have littles in RLKids, then YOU are invited to bring the whole family to Christmas Connect! Join us on December 14th from 10am-12pm at the RLC Office Auditorium for refreshments + hot chocolate + crafts + prizes!!! This is one of our favorite events all year and is completely FREE, so gather the kids and come hang out with us! Please register at the link below!🎁

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Women's Lunch & Bible Study

Women's Lunch & Bible Study

Ladies, come and be a part of our upcoming Women's Lunch & Bible Study on Thursday, December 12th from 12-1:30pm at the RLC office (409 S Pecos)! We'll be studying the book of Philippians and enjoying time together as well as good food! We also offer childare for small children. This event is free, but we ask that you please register yourself (and children if needed) so we can prepare for you!

Registration is now closed.

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RLKids "Friendsgiving" - November 24th!

RLKids "Friendsgiving" - November 24th!

It's that time of year again..."Friendsgiving" will be happening soon! On November 24th during both services, we will have special games, fun food & a lesson sharing the heart of the Gospel! Parents, this is a perfect time for your kids to invite their friends to come, too!🍂🤎

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RLC 2025 Spring Internship
to Dec 15

RLC 2025 Spring Internship

If you’re a young adult desiring to give a season of your life to learning, growing and serving, we’re opening up applications for our RLC Midland Spring Internship! The internship will run January-May, and you must be able to commit to 15 hours per week! Click the link below to apply!

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RLYTH "Friendsgiving"

RLYTH "Friendsgiving"

Who doesn't love a little Thanksgiving tradition...but better?!! FRIENDSGIVING is happening Wednesday, November 20th from 6:30-8pm, and we want you to be there! Don't forget to bring all your besties so we can celebrate the season with yummy food, fun games & more!🍂🤎

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Men's Breakfast!

Men's Breakfast!

Guys-- it’s time to get stronger in our relationships with God and with each other! RLC's next monthly Men's Breakfast will be Monday, November 18th from 6:30-8:00am! This is event is free to everyone who registers – sign up today!

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Women's Lunch & Bible Study

Women's Lunch & Bible Study

Midland & Odessa ladies- we're so excited! Dwell Women is launching a monthly Women's Lunch on the 2nd Thursday of each month at the RLC Office! We'll have food, connection & will be studying the book of Philippians together! We're also offering childcare for babies & young children. Please sign up at the link below/in our bio -- we look so forward to seeing YOU there!

Registrations are now closed.

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2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” Being water baptized is simply declaring that sin no longer has a hold on you as you have begun your new life in Christ Jesus! If you’ve never been water baptized, join us for our upcoming event on September 8th at 9 and 11am.

Registration is now closed.

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New Kindergarten Class!

New Kindergarten Class!

We’re excited to announce a brand new classroom opening at our Midland campus. On November 3rd, we’re adding a Kindergarten class, and it will be located in the red room in the RLKids hallway! The new classrooms and adjusted age groups are now as follows:

3 Years Olds

4-5 Year Olds


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