This past Sunday, in both campuses, we celebrated the historic overturning of Roe v. Wade, and the restoration of the states ability to govern themselves accordingly through their elected officials. I must say, that I didn’t think that I would see this happen in my lifetime. But I am so thankful to all of those who prayed, voted, lobbied, ran for office, and governed in such a way to bring our country more into alignment with the values of the Kingdom! God truly does hold the hearts of kings in His hand, turning them whichever way He chooses! (Proverbs 21:1)
The original ruling of Roe v. Wade in 1973 was a demonic attack on the sovereignty of God, the family, and the value of human life. Since then, it’s presence in our law has eroded away the reality, even in the minds of many Christians, that we were FORMED BY GOD in our mother’s womb (Jeremiah 1:5) and that OUR BODIES, both male and female, are NOT OUR OWN, but rather BELONG TO GOD (1 Corinthians 6:19). Scripture goes even further for those of us who are married, telling us that our bodies also BELONG TO OUR SPOUSES (1 Corinthians 7:4).
As Jesus followers and Kingdom advancers, we now find ourselves at a time in our country where WE NEED THE WISDOM OF GOD! Jesus walked this earth perfectly, without sin, without mistake, yet lived in such a way that He garnered the reputation as FRIEND OF SINNERS! (Matthew 11:19) My interpretation? Jesus got invited to a lot of CRAZY PARTIES?! But not because He was SOFT ON SIN?! Jesus had the wisdom to be HARD ON SIN, but TENDER TOWARDS SINNERS (except religious people, but that’s for another time... ).
The overturning of Roe v. Wade has released a NEWdemonic attack: an attack on humanity to further divide people; further divide CHRISTIANS and the body of Christ, around an issue that is clear in scripture. I am praying for a sobering conviction for some, courage to lovingly confront for others, and the wisdom for ALL OF US to look more like Jesus in this season...HARD ON SIN, but SOFT ON SINNERS!
I am aware of the fact that this is not the end of this conversation in the church. Many REALLY GOOD PEOPLE have some REALLY HARD QUESTIONS! That’s what the church is for, that’s what mothers and fathers are for, both natural and spiritual, that’s what THE BIBLE is for, that’s what the HOLY SPIRIT is for! I believe that moving forward in COURAGEOUS HUMILITY will quench the darts of the wicked, and bring restoration to people, to the church, and to America!