Day 4: The Call to Holiness


1 Peter 1:15-16“But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: ‘Be holy, because I am holy.’”

Prayer Prompt

“Lord, You have called me to be holy, just as You are holy. I thank You for the gift of Your holiness and the opportunity to reflect Your character in every part of my life. Help me to live in alignment with Your will, making holiness evident in my thoughts, words, and actions. I surrender my life to You and ask for Your guidance in walking the path of holiness. Fill me with Your Spirit so that my life may honor You and reflect Your purity in all I do.”


God’s call to holiness is both an invitation and a command. In 1 Peter 1:15-16, we are reminded that holiness isn’t just a suggestion, but a reflection of God’s own nature. As followers of Christ, we are called to reflect His purity, righteousness, and love in every aspect of our lives. Holiness isn’t just about avoiding sin—it’s about embracing the character of God and allowing His goodness to shape how we think, speak, and act.

Take a moment today to reflect on what holiness looks like in your own life. Are there areas where you’ve compromised or allowed sin to take root? What would it look like for you to live more fully in alignment with God’s holiness in your relationships, work, and personal life? Ask God to reveal any areas in need of change and give you the strength to walk in His holiness, allowing His nature to be reflected in all you do.


As we continue in prayer and fasting, take a moment to reflect on one area of your life where you feel God is calling you to grow in holiness. Whether it’s your thoughts, relationships, or actions, invite God into that space and ask for His help in making real, lasting change.

Step 1: Identify One Area of Your Life
Take a few moments to reflect on one area of your life where you feel God is calling you to grow in holiness. It could be your thoughts, your relationships, your work, or a specific habit that doesn't align with God's standard.

Step 2: Pray for God’s Help
Pray specifically for that area, asking God to help you grow in holiness and reflect His character. Be honest with Him about any struggles or temptations, and invite Him into the process of transformation.

Step 3: Choose One Action
Choose one simple action that aligns with holiness in that area. For example, if it’s your words, commit to speaking more kindly. If it’s your thought life, set a goal to focus on thoughts that are pure and uplifting. If it’s relationships, commit to showing more patience and grace.

Step 4: Take Action
Take that step today—whether it’s speaking with more kindness, guarding your thoughts, or reaching out with a loving action. As you do, invite the Holy Spirit to empower you to live out holiness in this area.

Step 5: Reflect and Recommit
At the end of the day, take a moment to reflect on how you did. If you were successful, thank God for His help. If you fell short, ask for His forgiveness and recommit to the goal tomorrow.


Day 5: Renewing Your Mind


Day 3: Returning To Our First Love