Day 14: The Call to Sacrifice


Romans 12:1“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”

Prayer Prompt

“Lord, You have called me to offer my body as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to You. I lay down my own will, desires, and comforts, and present myself to You as an instrument for Your purposes. Help me to understand that true worship is not just found in songs or rituals, but in surrendering my whole life to You. Strengthen me to make daily sacrifices, whether big or small, for the sake of Your kingdom. Teach me to find joy in sacrificing what I value most, knowing that in doing so, I am becoming more like You. May my life be a continual offering of worship, pleasing and acceptable in Your sight.


Romans 12:1 calls us to offer ourselves as living sacrifices—holy and pleasing to God. This is not a one-time event but a daily choice to surrender our lives to His will. Sacrifice is often associated with loss, but in God’s economy, sacrifice is an act of worship that leads to deeper intimacy with Him. True sacrifice means surrendering not just our possessions, but our time, plans, and comfort for His purposes. It’s in these moments of self-denial that we align ourselves with God's perfect will and experience His transformation in our lives. Today, reflect on what God might be asking you to sacrifice in order to follow Him more fully, and consider how that sacrifice can be an offering of worship that brings glory to His name.


Find a quiet, peaceful place where you can sit comfortably and be alone with God. Take a few moments to settle your thoughts. 

Bring your full attention to your feet. In this stillness, offer your feet to the Lord: “Lord, these feet are Yours. They are not for my will, but for Yours. May they carry me wherever You want me to go, even if it’s uncomfortable or unknown. Use them for Your glory.”

Slowly move your focus upward, continuing the act of consecration:

  • Legs: “Lord, these legs are Yours. Let them move in service to You, walking the path You have set before me, even if it requires sacrifice and discomfort.”

  • Torso: “Lord, this body is Yours. May my actions, my posture, and my strength be used to honor You in all I do.”

  • Arms: “Lord, these hands and arms are Yours. Use them to serve, to bless, to pray for healing, and to love, even when it costs me my time or convenience.”

  • Head: “Lord, my mind, my thoughts, my intellect—they are Yours. Cleanse them from pride, and shape them to think on Your will alone.”

  • Eyes: “Lord, these eyes are Yours. Help me to see as You see, focusing on what honors You.”

  • Tongue: “Lord, this tongue is Yours. May my words be instruments of life, grace, and truth. Let me speak only what brings You glory, and let me stay silent when my speech does not honor You.”

As you reflect on each part of your body, declare that this whole body is God's temple—a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to Him, as Romans 12:1 reminds us. Repent of any ways your body has not been fully consecrated to God’s purposes, whether through sin, selfishness, or neglect.

Commit to live each day with this renewed understanding: Every part of me belongs to You, Lord. May my body be a living sacrifice, wholly given to You, filled with Your Spirit, bringing You great honor and glory. Envision your entire being filled with God's presence, radiating His holiness and love to the world around you.


Day 15: Wholehearted Commitment


Day 13: Humility, The Attraction of Heaven