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First Fruits Offering

“Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine.” -Proverbs 3:9-10


The Bible teaches us that our FIRST and our BEST belongs to God, and as we kick off a brand new year, we choose to put our faith into action by sowing our best seed into good ground in FAITH! As a church family, we will be receiving our “First Fruits Offering” on January 29th!

This year, all of the funds donated from our First Fruits offering will go towards hosting our very own youth camp! We will invite the youth group from the Lubbock Campus as well as a few other local churches in our area. The camp will take place in Glorietta, NM at an incredible 2,400 acre campground outfitted with zip lines, a giant man-made lake with a blob, great dorms where we will be given two full floors (one for the boys and the other for the girls), a mud pit, and all of the other amazing things that you’d expect at youth camp!

The camp is set to take place June 25-28th , and our First Fruits target is $60,000. This will provide the following:

1) Low, extremely affordable registration fees for students

2) Best and safest means of transportation – charter busses

3) The campground itself, which is $39,000.

4) Volunteers/leaders to go and help with no cost to them!

Our student ministry is growing at an accelerated rate right now! We invite you to begin to pray and ask the Lord what it is that you should give as a seed sown into the lives of our students. Our First Fruits offering will take place on Sunday, January 29th at both services!

** Please choose First Fruits Midland from the drop down menu!

January 13


February 2

RLYoungAdults Winter Retreat