
  1. Count the number of children in the room.

  2. Move all children to the restrooms.

  3. Instruct children to place their heads between their legs and their arms over their heads.

  4. Teachers are to count to make sure all children are accounted for.

  5. Keep children calm and orderly until you are notified they can return to your classrooms.

Fire or Evacuation Emergency

  1. Count the number of children in the room.

  2. Ask the children to line up and hold hands with the child on either side of them. One teacher should be in the front of the group and the other teacher in the back of the group.

    • Nursery & Walkers: Use Pack-N-Plays to evacuate children. Additional volunteers will help with Evacuation.

    • 2 Year Olds-Preschool: Use emergency ropes to form a line and evacuate.

  3. Lead all children through the nearest exit and evacuate to the playground.

  4. Each class has a cone assigned to it; find your green cone in the parking lot.

  5. Once all children are at their cone, make the children sit and count to make sure they are accounted for.

  6. Keep the children calm and only release children into their parent’s care if a name tag receipt can be provided.

  7. Leaders must remain with their class until instructed otherwise

Shelter in Place (Lockdown) Emergency

  1. Count the number of children in the room, and make sure none are in the restroom.

  2. Verify all children are accounted for before closing the door.

  3. Close the door, and make sure it is locked.

  4. Cover the window with the black window cover and move a large heavy object in front of the door.

  5. Move the children away from the door and any glass.

  6. Instruct children to place their heads between their legs and their arms over their heads.

  7. If possible, stick the magnetic “HELP/OK” sign to the window frame to quickly update law enforcement if someone in your classroom needs medical attention.

  8. Shelter in place will only be lifted by a police officer, do not open the door for anyone else.

  9. Keep the children calm and only release children into their parent’s care if a name tag receipt can be provided after the shelter in place has been lifted by the police officer.

Missing Child

  1. Immediately notify the police officer via your radio that a child is missing.

  2. Provide a brief description, last known location, name, and what classroom.

  3. Have the remaining kids sit orderly with the second teacher. Second teacher will recount kids and verify with the class roster that there is a child missing.

  4. The Children’s Pastor will immediately notify the parents by text message that they are needed, then assist with the search.

  5. Lead teacher will assist with the search for the missing child.

  6. If the child is taken from a classroom, immediately notify a lockdown on the radio. Provide a description of the attacker and the child, last location and direction of travel, classroom, and child’s name. 

  7. Then follow lockdown procedures.