Welcome to the team!

Thank you so much for taking the leap into volunteering within Renew Life Kids! We believe that this generation of children has a unique call from God on their lives, and we count it an absolute honor to lead our kids into a deeper relationship with Him! As you step into leading in our children’s ministry, we trust that you’ll even begin to see God in new ways and gain a deep fulfillment that can only come from pouring out your life for others! 

As you read through this handbook, there are policies, procedures and lists of things about how we operate in RLKids. However, the most important thing first and foremost is that we partner with parents! Our desire is to facilitate a space for families to grow together where we are simply coming alongside to nurture and help to develop strong disciples of Jesus! YOU are a vital part of this journey for each family represented in our children’s ministry, and we are so thankful you’re along for this ride! 

If you ever have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me and I’ll do my best to give an answer or help solve a problem! We are here for you and so very thankful that you’re a part of our team. Together we’re going to raise up strong kids who know & love Jesus!

Love & blessings,

Joy Field

RLC Children’s Ministry Director/Pastor